JUNIOR (3 entries, 1 absent) 1st BEARDSWOOD RHYMI. 9 month old bitch. Very shapely bitch. Good top line and fall away. Good depth of chest. Plenty of bone. Great rear quarters with lovely bend of stifle. Light on her feet on the move holding her top line well and with time will settle and be able to stride out a bit more. Good harsh coat and in excellent condition. BP
2nd BEARDSWOOD RIPLEY FOR CALBRAIDH. 9 month old dog and litter brother to first. Lovely masculine puppy with excellent bone, strength and substance. Just lost out to his sister as at this stage wasn’t as well balanced overall but should come in time. Excellent depth in chest and again in good condition. Movement was true and sound. Both puppies were very promising.
POST GRADUATE (2 entries, 1 absent) 1st HYNDSIGHT CURVED AIR. 2 year old bitch. Dark harsh coated bitch. Struggled with the noisy indoor venue and didn’t show to her best advantage. She did have a straight front with good angulation, front pastern slope and tight feet. Good deep chest and good bone.
OPEN (3 entreis, 1 absent) 1st HYNDSIGHT DREAMS UNWIND. 2 year old bitch. Lovely feminine well balanced bitch with the darkest of eye, small ears and aquiline nose. Coat dark and harsh. Good front angulation with good front pastern slope and well knuckled feet. Body was good with excellent depth and spring of rib with good ribcage length. Light action on the move but not always settled. BOB
2nd BEARDSWOOD QUINLAN. 2 year old dog. Good strong dog in great muscular condition with an excellent depth of chest. Correct harsh coat. Just preferred balance and length of winner. Movement a little close behind today but small ring didn’t help. RBOB.
Prof. Elise Cartmell |